Should You Have Your Trees Trimmed This Summer? Insights from a Tree Trimming Company in Lake Zurich, Illinois

Spring is here, and before you know it, summer will be approaching as well. Many homeowners in the Lake Zurich area are reaching out to make tree trimming appointments now to get their outdoor spaces ready for the summer.
Before we get into our discussion, it’s worth mentioning that some trees are best trimmed in the winter when they are dormant. At Brown Tree Service, we want to make sure that our clients get the information they need to make an informed choice about their trees — if you are unsure whether it’s the right time to trim your trees, please do not hesitate to get in touch with our arborists.
There are still many types of trees that are best trimmed during the summer months. Are you wondering whether you should have your trees trimmed this summer? Below, this tree trimming company in Lake Zurich, Illinois is going to discuss some of the main reasons to do so. read more →
Four Reasons to Remove a Tree from Your Property: Insights from a Tree Removal Company in Lake Forest, Illinois

Removing a dead tree from your property could be more complicated than you might expect. In fact, there is a usually significant amount of effort involved in any type of tree removal project. When large branches start to fall off the tree, or when mushrooms start to sprout all over the trunk, it is an indication that it’s time to have the tree removed from your Lake Forest property.
Do you have any old trees on your property that you’re thinking about taking down? If so, you’ve come to the right place. This tree removal company in Lake Forest, Illinois is going to discuss four reasons to do so. read more →
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