Many people assume that their trees will always be low maintenance. However, if you don’t routinely look after the trees on your property, they can grow wild and become a safety risk.
One of the most important maintenance tasks to keep your trees in good shape is known as pruning, which is necessary for healthy tree growth. Below, this tree trimming company in Bannockburn, Illinois is going to explore the four most common ways to prune your trees.
Crown thinning gives your tree more sunlight and better airflow by removing smaller branches.
When a tree has too many branches, those branches can block sunlight and keep air from flowing through. This can slow down the tree’s growth and can even make it more at risk of getting sick.
For example, diseases like powdery mildew are common in shaded conditions. Leaf spot diseases, which cause leaf discoloration and defoliation, also happen more in areas with poor air circulation.
Crown thinning solves this problem by removing some of the smaller branches. This opens the tree so sunlight and air can reach all parts of it and keep it healthy. Thinning also makes the tree lighter, so its branches are less likely to snap during storms.
But be careful not to overdo it. If you cut off too much, you could end up hurting the tree instead of helping it. If you want the best results, it’s best to partner with a professional tree trimming company in Bannockburn, Illinois.
Crown raising clears lower branches to keep the area under the tree clear.
If your tree’s lower branches are in the way of cars, pedestrians, or even your lawnmower, crown raising can help. This method removes the lowest branches of the tree so there is enough space under them.
This pruning method makes your property safer, and it helps the tree get more sunlight on its lower limbs. It also gives the tree a clean and maintained look. A professional tree trimming company in Bannockburn, Illinois, can do this without hurting the tree, so it is always best to let them handle it.
Crown reduction trims overgrown trees while keeping their natural shape.
Sometimes, trees grow too big for the space they are in. For example, branches can get too close to power lines, block your view, or hang dangerously close to your roof. Crown reduction is how you can make the tree smaller while still maintaining its natural shape.
Crown reduction is a much better pruning method than topping, which is when people just chop off the top of a tree. Aggressive cuts from topping can reduce a tree’s photosynthetic efficiency, which can hurt the tree badly and even kill it. With crown reduction, only some parts of the tree are removed to keep it healthy overall.
One thing to note is that many individuals end up cutting too much off the tree, causing damage. To avoid this, it’s best to partner with a professional tree trimming company in Bannockburn, Illinois.
Crown cleaning removes dead, broken, or sick branches.
Dead, sick, or broken branches can be extremely dangerous. They can fall at any time and hurt someone or damage your property. In fact, falling branches have been identified as one of the leading causes of both fatal and severe nonfatal injuries in the tree care industry.
Crown cleaning removes these problem branches to make the tree safer and healthier. This is also the most basic of all pruning methods and a good place to start if your tree has not been trimmed in a long time.
Trimming your own trees is dangerous and can cause permanent damage to the tree.
Are you thinking about trimming your own trees? We don’t recommend it. Tree pruning demands skill, the right tools, and a lot of experience. One wrong cut can damage the tree permanently and even put you at serious health risk.
A professional tree trimming company in Bannockburn, Illinois will know exactly what to do. They have everything they really need to do the job the best they can, which saves you time, effort, and the risk of injury.
Looking for a Tree Trimming Company in Bannockburn, Illinois?
Do you have trees with overgrown or weak branches? If so, they could be a danger to your property and even your safety. If you’re ready to have your trees trimmed safely by a professional tree trimming company in Bannockburn, Illinois, Brown Tree Service Inc. is the company to call. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.